Story Telling: Handling informed customer with good content


Credit goes to internet revolution that to gather any information, data collection has become so easy.  We are able to access any kind of data, in any format as per our desires. No one, in this digital world spends their too much time in order to get any information based on data,   to retrieve some facts and notice significant figures to market. As world is just in reach with a Click-of-a-button.

This is real big challenge for marketers as marketing need a certain time quotient for brand promotion, products, company or even professions. Thus Story telling has emerged as a new Buzz Word for marketers. It is rather an extension and updated version of content marketing. Story telling is a popular term coined by today’s marketers with an intention to reach well target consumers

Business organizations are using storytelling as a means to strengthen their content and connecting their market with emotions.  Best Storytelling on struggle and achievements of companies are letting the customers know the reason to choose their products/services, so that they are able to connect well and think empathetically about the brand they have chosen. In fact the content writers are turning into story tellers. Examples, startups and entrepreneurs have their stories to tell and on the basis of that they convince for the funding. Freelancers have to market themselves as stories. Even authors, poets and artists are branding themselves by storytelling. Blogs are in trend to be used as a novel idea of storytelling. Field of entertainment, new profession of standup comedians, even teachers, trainers, coaches, politicians are doing the storytelling to market their profession. World of advertising is surrounded by the concept of storytelling only.

Listening to stories help to make better decisions and in developing rational thinking. It is a way to connect the one’s vision statement. It actually connect people emotionally and thus contributes in increasing the loyalty. Stories make your brand memorable

Thus, to summarize we can say that if in traditional marketing, customer is the king and for digital marketing, content is the king. But in storytelling, marketer has to deal with two kings, good content and informed customer.

Contributed by

Dr. Leena Sharma


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