Department of Business Administration at St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur Organized a Virtual Industrial Visit to Universal Auto Foundry Ltd. on 3rd of September2021for the second-and third-yearstudents. It was incepted to explore the working of different sections of industry. The area of focus was to observe the working of different sections of an industry where students virtuallyvisited various sections one by one like Foundry Shop, Tool room, machining shop,Testingroom (UTM, Hardness testing machine etc.), Sand Casting, Dispatch department.In foundry, how the sand is prepared by using different ingredients were told to students by the instructors. Besides this, they also observed and got acquaintance of runner, different core in casting process. In testing room, how the parts are tested was also demonstrated in detail and the tests include tensile/compression test, hardness test etc. CNC classifications, advantages, disadvantages, and the other factors related to CNC machines was an added feature. CNC and VMC were shown virtually to the students.During the virtual visit, students observed the different casted products, machine processes and the dispatching process of the product. To their unrivalled products, unique designs and how they carry a fusion between all types of casting tools students were quite elated to have such a visual treat and are looking forward to such more enriching visits. During the visit, students observed the different casted products and various machining processes and the dispatching process of the product. At last, during the end of the visit, students were very thankful to the instructors for showing the importance foundry industry to them. In the end, Principal Rev Fr Dr A Rex Angelo S.J addressed the attendants, underscoring the importance of the industrial visits for the practical approach and cheered the success of the new-fashioned virtual visit. The event graciously dropped its curtain after a wholesome question-answer session.


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