Elon Musk – a dreamer, an achiever, a visionary !!

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.” This was once quoted by Elon Musk , the globally acclaimed entrepreneur, a businessman, and founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX – a milestone company to launch commercial aircraft in the year 2012. Elon Musk was born on 28 th June, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. As a kid, Musk used to be an introvert & a bookish child. Even during his childhood, he used to stay involved in his own thoughts and imaginations about creativity and inventions.Since his early days, Elon Musk had a huge interest in computers.At a very tender age of 12, he self-learned about computer programming and sold his first gaming software called Blaster.Elon Musk was two brothers and a sister. Elon’s father was a successful engineer, but he was only 10 when his parents divorced. So, his mother used to work hard to support him. Elon’s started his college education from Queen’s University, Canada. After that, he move...