Talk show on 'MORAL FIBRE' was organised by the MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT and E-Cell along with Management Executive Tribunal of our college on 12th of January,2021. Session was graced by the presence of Rev Fr Dr A Rex Angelo, Principal, St. Xavier’s College. The Guest speaker of the session was MR.SIBEY MATHEW, currently a Development Manager at SAP LABS, IIM Calcutta, Alumni. In starting of the session, he threw light on how the upcoming era will be and told us the perfect personality traits we need to have to sustain. Then,he carved his way by further into the session by telling us the importance of 'IMPRESSION' with the perfect examples. He through real life examples taught us to remove unwanted things from our minds and diversify our mind to get influenced by the positivity around us. He also showed us ways to become a better leaders. The show ended up with a Q/A round where the speaker wisely gave answers of all questions thrown his way, giving us a better way to a...